Labor and Organizational psychologist in heart and soul, health scientist, strongly focused on servant leadership and innovative analyst. Likes to cook, is always looking for special wines, enjoys life, her family, friends, cats, reading and complex puzzles. Married to Marnix and mother of 2 beautiful daughters. Yellow and orange are the dominant drive colors.

My personal mission is to give people handles that make them feel good about themselves. As the daughter of an occupational expert, my interest in people's behavior in relation to work, team and organizations arose. The choice to study Health Sciences was very logical for me: I learned more about human behaviour in relation to biology, (epi)genetics and the context in which a person finds himself. I then went to work in a large rehabilitation centre, where I did research into work load and (work) capacity. Coaching employees with work-related stress complaints and complex issues at the intersection of work and health give me energy.

The feeling that you're on the right track, that you've found the one piece that interests you, has led me, next to my job, to start again with a study Labor and Organizational Psychology. I developed a special interest in corporate anthropology (cultural aspects in an organization), team functioning and personal leadership. In mid-2018 I also completed the course Effective Leadership at the University of Groningen. With this theoretical foundation - but especially with the practical experiences of everything that goes well (and not so well...) - I can offer tools for development. In these special times, in which the retention of employees and therefore knowledge and know-how is essential for the continued existence of organizations, that is essential'.

The secret of leadership is simple: follow your heart!


Enthusiastic organiser and likes to bring structure with positive attention to others. Married to Darren and mother of daughter Stella. Karateka and Marie Kondo fan. In love with Maastricht and Amsterdam. Enjoy sailing and supping through the Amsterdam canals and running in South Limburg.  

Trained as a speech therapist, she then gained work experience in various sectors and positions. It is the dynamics and the great variety of contacts as a pivot in an organisation that bring her happiness at work. This resulted in the versatile role of Office Manager. My work is successful when all the pieces of the puzzle have been found and then fall into place and connect. Not for nothing are her motives quite green, blue with a touch of red. In her spare time, as a member of the PR team, she is involved in the association Veldeke Krink Mestreech, which enthuses people to start and continue speaking and writing Maastricht dialect.

Convinced that coincidence does not exist, which is why there are always surprising adventures on her path. Naturally curious and genuinely interested in everything and everyone, which reflects the diversity of her circle of friends and network. Every day she is amazed by her child's way of thinking. This gives her inspiration to apply daily in her work at Amplitia.

Attention is the key word!


Neuropsychologist by background, but now above all a calm, objective, people-oriented and empathic all-round gz-psychologist. She is married to a very enterprising man and is also the mother of an energetic, cheerful and just as enterprising daughter. The three of them love to go out and often end up on a terrace. She likes hiking, preferably in the Austrian mountains, where she prefers to ski in winter. She is also in love with Budapest. 

"In health care, attention is often only paid to the symptoms and what is not going well. By getting a picture of the person in his or her entire context, you can see why someone has become stuck, but also what is needed to help someone get back on track. I do this in an open and transparent way. I am not an all-knowing psychologist, but stand beside the person and help to discover certain limiting patterns and to break through these. I like to create a safe setting where the difficult aspects of life can be discussed and emotions are allowed to be there. During the conversations I use different psychological interventions that are tailored to the person and the question. Step by step, gaining new experiences that make someone feel strengthened to go further in life and make the choices that are valuable to him or her."
BIG-number: 29915269825

Thoughts are not facts


Social psychologist, ACT coach, specialised in neurodiversity. To keep her own balance, she relaxes by doing yoga and moving around in nature, and likes to play on stage. She has four powerful and sensitive (young) men in her life: Chris and their three sons. They always keep her on her toes and their authenticity and cheerfulness are contagious. Her environmental sensitivity and experiences make her easy to talk to and accessible to a variety of people. Her colours are red and green.

In the various roles I have had, my greatest motivation has always been to activate and motivate people towards autonomy and mental well-being. My career started as a social pedagogical worker. I have worked with various people in vulnerable positions. My need to understand human motives and the language they use in this process led me to study social psychology at the University of Amsterdam. This is also where I got my teaching qualification, with which I started working at the Hogeschool Pedagogiek. As a teacher and trainer, I was able to guide young professionals in their professional development to become powerful pedagogues. In the role of training actor, I let people experience the impact of their (non verbal) communication and how they can use it to achieve their goals.

Because I saw more and more that stress, burn-out and bore-out were getting in the way of people's happiness at work, I started to investigate individual coaching in which the development of resilience is central. With a toolbox of exercises and interventions, I guide people in recognising their strengths and using them for sustainable happiness at work. As a coach, I can use humour and lightness to create a safe atmosphere where discomfort and vulnerability are allowed to be. In this way, we can get to where the problem is and from there move on towards autonomy and growth. The Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is clearly visible in my thinking, acting and communication. Finally, I can use the holistic technique of Mind Eye Power to guide clients in releasing blockages.

In vulnerability lies strength!


How happy I am to be working at Amplitia. Amplio in Latin literally means "increase, multiply, improve," and I speak from experience when I say that increasing individual (work) happiness can be a challenging path. The biggest challenge I found was planning and dreaming while accepting and embracing daily reality.

I was born and raised in Vaassen, Gelderland, but Valkenburg beckoned when my father started a campground there 20 years ago. That's also where I met my husband. Now 3 tough little guys down the road, we live in his hometown of Margraten, where we can often be found on his parents' farm. We make few plans and enjoy touring, eating and hiking. In doing so, we regularly cross the border for a nice special beer.

There is always a question that pops up that I want to see answered when it comes to human behavior. The inquisitive nature of Utrecht University therefore suited me well; this is where I studied Work and Organizational Psychology. Behind professionalism lies strength. Approaching psychology from this strength is what energizes me. I gained my work experience in various change processes in the business world, particularly in large companies. Valuable experiences that I take with me into what really works.

Everyone has unique qualities and strengths. The key is to identify those and utilize them.

Be weird. Be random. Be who you are, because you never know who would love the person you hide.
- Alan Watts


Organizer, spider in the web. Is satisfied when she can make others happy.

Lives with Philippe and dachshund Frits, loves walks in nature and, as a true Burgundian, is passionate about good food and drink. Besides all that cooking and eating out, she does Bodypump.
After finishing her education Tourism, she followed the direction of Management Assistant / Executive Secretary via Schoevers. She gained work experience in various branches within beautiful companies in Limburg as well as abroad (Arnhem and Amstelveen). 

Connecting with people is number one in my (working) life. I love to keep several balls in the air and see it as a challenge to keep everything running smoothly.
Getting the best result together with an eye for each other and respect, that's what I like to work on.
By working at Amplitia I contribute to a more beautiful world by letting people experience happiness at work (again).

Happiness is enjoying what is


Together with my husband Thijs and dog Sjappie I live in Echt. We have a composite family with 4 children, the last of which has recently flown out. Hiking, yoga, zumba and dancing are regularly on my program. Cosy dinners, outings, culture and nature are not to be missed. Years ago now, after a pleasant student time in Nijmegen, I graduated as a Basic Psychologist Clinical Psychology and Personality Studies and since 2013 I am NIP registered. My drive to keep learning in life has led me to take courses in CBT, EMDR, Mindfulness and EFT. In addition, in 2019, I completed the postgraduate training to become a Clientcentered Play Therapist in Antwerp.

My work style is person-centered, from a holistic view, with attention to body and mind, coping, personality and meaning. Directly to the heart of the matter. With humor, perspective and the necessary confrontation, I teach my clients to connect with themselves. What is going on in them, and then translate this into their needs.

Collaboration, equality and practicality characterize my approach. I always focus psychological counseling on lasting change.

If you have work that suits you and in it you can pursue your own values, then you are in the right place. Let's search for work happiness together!


Positive-minded psychologist who enjoys empowering people. Gets satisfaction from increasing self-confidence and self-reliance of others. He is convinced that happiness at work is crucial for well-being. When this happiness at work is threatened, he likes to analyze with his clients where this comes from and provides tools to overcome these problems. Is serious where necessary and light-hearted where possible. Likes a relaxed atmosphere in any case, creating a familiar situation in which one feels safe.

Curious about the (future) shape of work in everyday life and interested in how all different generations think about it. Is convinced that work must move with the times in a rapidly changing world. Uniting knowledge and skills of different generations to make work more efficient and enjoyable.

Intrigued by human behavior in the broadest sense, I completed a bachelor's degree in psychology at Maastricht University. Here I developed a critical way of thinking, which is based on evidence (evidence-based). Because I wanted to apply this knowledge in practice, I followed the master's in Clinical Psychology at Tilburg University. After graduating, I worked for a year and a half as a psychologist in elder care. Looking for more job satisfaction, I ended up at Amplitia and started here as a psychologist. Green and yellow are the dominant driving colors. This is expressed in solution-oriented thinking, in which the client is central.

In his free time, he likes to clear his head by getting out into nature, either on foot or by motorcycle. He has no preference in that. Likes to alternate relaxation with sports or outings with friends and family. Finds it interesting to watch documentaries about science and history.

"You have power over your mind - not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength."
- Marcus Aurelius

Mission, Vision and Core Values


Our mission is to create sustainable organisations by letting them experience how powerful working from amplition, from individual happiness at work, is.


It's unique to live now, in a change of era. In which a new societal order arises, the economy is completely turned upside down and there is also a change of power. In this changing, uncertain, complex and unpredictable world, companies have a greater chance of surviving (sustainably) if they develop a change strategy. Given the disruptive nature of all current and upcoming changes, we can state that companies need to permanently adapt to disruptive change. This requires a continuous change strategy (transition strategy), from a new orientation, focused on new customers and much more sustainable revenue models.

In that force field, we want to help entrepreneurs and companies make the right choices, aimed at more well-being instead of just prosperity, so that they can participate in the continuous changes in a sustainable and dignified manner. We want to help to focus on happiness at work, because that is where the key to success lies.

Companies are important in people's lives, not only for what they produce, but especially as a social construct and as an employer (source of income). A company is more than the sum of the individuals who work there, but they are the DNA of the company. Our goal is to get companies to focus more on happiness at work, because we believe that happy employees automatically provide happy customers and therefore happy shareholders.

In other words from happiness at work to value to profit.

Core values


The human being is always central to us. Every human being is unique, with distinctive characteristics and qualities. We believe that when a person is able to use and develop his unique talents, he performs optimally, pays-off and is happy.


Efforts must lead to truly sustainable results. For the individual, the team or the organization. We want our interventions and efforts to pay for themselves. In happiness at work, in increased value for customers and in more profit for the organization.


"What you see is what you get. Transparent, honest and clear about who we are, what we do and how we do it. When we start working together, together we determine the goal and the path.


We focus on opportunities and possibilities, not limitations or circumstances. This positive approach translates into our behavior and actions. We do not linger in the past, but together we create the future.

Methods and techniques

From our scientific background, but also because we find it very important to deliver quality, we use proven techniques. Techniques that we support 100%. Methods which we know from experience that they actually match the questions in this field.
(Click on one of the bulbs for more explanation)

Insight into
personal and other's drives



