IEMT stands for Integral Eye Movement Therapy. With this form of therapy, fears, phobias, unpleasant experiences or trauma can be processed through eye movements. The associated emotions and memories can diminish or even disappear completely through IEMT.

By making a pattern of eye movements in the IEMT session, the brain learns to "look further," to blur the memories, to strip away the emotional charge, and to integrate positive experiences.

A characteristic of IEMT is that you do not necessarily have to talk about your fear, phobia, unpleasant experience or trauma. You only have to think about it at the time of therapy. Through the applied technique that triggers the eye movements, the linked emotions diminish.

IEMT helps with:

  • Traumatic experiences
  • Negative feelings
  • Fears
  • Phobias
  • Obstructive thoughts and/or disturbing memories
  • Grief counseling

But also at:

  • Building towards greater self-confidence
  • Growth toward a more positive self-image